The Journal of the Aerospace Technology Kids

My Footprints in ChengDu, 14 Sept - 18 Oct

Friday, September 17, 2010

Preparation for the “freshies” night~

The boys managed to borrow guitars from the students from the guitar club via the help of this very nice lady, Yun Xia, she spend her time after her morning classes to help us settle things that included maintenance of room, internet enquiries, and borrowing of guitars etc. We were glad that she was very willing to offer help to us when she was not obligated to do so, even for the last batch that were here.

After lesson that day, I was suppose to help organize the group in preparing the performance to put up on Wednesday night, but I decided to pass that job over to Harold so that he could experience some sense of leadership through this. The whole thing was in a mess and time constraint was another limitation that was making us all stressed up.

-Anything you are good at, contributes to happiness-

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